Marca Trevigiana

The history of the Marca Trevigiana – the land around the city of Treviso – is closely linked to that of the Republic of Venice, as it provided the wood needed to build the powerful Venetian fleet that dominated the Mediterranean for centuries.

In more recent times, the banks of the Piave – a river sacred to the homeland – saw the unfolding of heroic events during the Great War, a tragic conflict that ended with the battle of Vittorio Veneto.

Today la Marca Gioiosa stands for excellence. Good food and sublime wines enrich Venetians’ active lives and entrepreneurial spirit.

Marca Trevigiana - Treviso
Marca Trevigiana - Conegliano
Marca Trevigiana - Oderzo
Marca Trevigiana - Molinetto della Croda - Refrontolo