The Marcello family estate in Fontanelle surrounds the imposing villa built by the Tiepolo family at the end of the 17th century, at the heart of what was once a densely wooded area. It was originally a hunting pavilion built among the marshes, the Monticano river and the majestic oak forests.

The land was first reclaimed by downsizing the woods and managing the multitude of fontanelle, ‘water springs’ in Italian – hence the location’s name – and subsequently farmed with surprising results. The generations that followed put passion and care into using the best methods available at their time to enhance the land’s features.

The vineyards and expanses of corn, soy and wheat are separated by long ditches and canals, and lie against the backdrop of the Pedemontana mountains, which are home to a multitude of wild animals.

Old fountains and isolated oak trees still punctuate this evocative green haven, like deep-rooted witnesses to a highly respected past.