Villa Marcello is located in Fontanelle, at the heart of the Marca Trevigiana. It belongs to one of the oldest Venetian families, who played a significant role in Venice’s cultural, political and social life since the times when the city was known as the Serenissima, over one thousand years ago. The Villa was built at the end of the 17th century in a vast area of woods and marshes as a hunting pavilion for the Tiepolo family.

The buildings surrounding it are set in a magnificent park with centuries-old trees that stand to witness the history of Venetian villas, which skilfully combined farming and leisure activities.

The farm includes a mill where silkworms were bred; a granary that now houses an impressive collection of carriages and farming machinery from past times; a chapel dedicated to Saint Saba; a majestic portico; old cellars, which have been partially adapted to modern wine making methods; and the stables. All these separate parts develop harmoniously between the garden and the courtyard.

In the early 19th century an ancestor of the current owners, Elisabetta Galvani Onigo, made changes to the villa and estate to increase the production of wine, a tradition that the family has kept alive and has handed down with passion and skill, in particular by the hands of Count Alessandro and his son Marco Marcello Del Majno.

The grapes produced on around 60 hectares of vineyards are processed with just the right balance of tradition, research and a deep love and respect for nature. The land’s unique features are skilfully harnessed to produce select wines, such as the Villa Marcello Prosecco, the family’s flagship bottle.